Atividade 6 d \E de inglês 2 semana de Abril prof: Givanildo



INGLESA – 2°SEMANA de abril prof. Givanildo






Text Comprehension

              COUNT DRACULA

Count Dracula is a very strange character. He lives alone in an old castle. He doesn't like any amusement but he loves his job very much. He works at night.

He always gets up two hours before midnight.

Then he takes a shower, brushes his teeth and goes to work at midnight.

He visits many people during the night. He likes to visit young women, especially blond women.

When the day is beginning he finishes his work.

Then he comes back home and goes to bed immediately.

Have you ever seen his bed?

His bed is a COFFIN!!!!!


Responda as seguintes perguntas de acordo com o texto.


Questão 01: Is Count Dracula a person:( O Conde Drácula é uma pessoa:)

a) He is a very normal character.

b) He is a very strange character.

c) He is a very sympathetic character.

d) He is a very friend character.


Questão 02:  Where does he live? ( Onde ele mora?)

a) He lives in an old apartment.

b) He lives in an old house.

c) He lives in an old castle.

d) He lives in an old farm.


Questão 03: Who does he live with? (Com quem ele mora?)

a) He lives with friend.

b) He lives with neighbor.

c) He lives with aunt.

d) He lives alone

Questão 04 : Does he like amusements? (Ele gosta de diversões?)

a) He doesn’t like any amusement.

b) He likes very amusement.

c) He likes amusement with friends.

d) He likes amusement with parents.


 Questão 05: Does he love his job?( Ele ama seu trabalho?)

a) He doesn't like any job.

b) He loves his job very much.

c) He doesn't loves his job.

d) He loathes his job.


Questão 06: When does he work?( Quando ele trabalha?)

a) He works at morning.

b) He works at afternoon.

c) He works at night.

d) He works at morning and afternoon.





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Atividade 6 D/E de ingles professor: Givanildo